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Longford Women’s Link CLG is a dynamic social enterprise which celebrates its 27th anniversary in 2022 and links women with the resources to make their community safe and equal. LWL identifies and addresses key inequalities that prevent women in Longford achieving their full social/economic potential and our work provides real and tangible opportunities for women and their families. Services provided to approximately 1000 women and children in Longford/Midlands (2021) enabled women to access a wide range of programmes and supports yielding real benefits for their families and the wider community. We provide women-centred services (Domestic Violence Support, Education, Training, Childcare, Counselling, Female Entrepreneurship, capacity-building and local/national advocacy).

Longford Women’s Link CLG is a dynamic social enterprise which celebrates its 27th anniversary in 2022 and links women with the resources to make their community safe and equal. LWL identifies and addresses key inequalities that prevent women in Longford achieving their full social/economic potential and our work provides real and tangible opportunities for women and their families. Services provided to approximately 1000 women and children in Longford/Midlands (2021) enabled women to access a wide range of programmes and supports yielding real benefits for their families and the wider community. We provide women-centred services (Domestic Violence Support, Education, Training, Childcare, Counselling, Female Entrepreneurship, capacity-building and local/national advocacy).

Key to the delivery of our services is our unique model of Integrated Service Delivery (ISD):

ISD Model

LWL, throughout its 26 years in existence has identified key barriers to women’s full participation in society, specifically experienced by women in Longford. These include rural isolation, experience of domestic violence, lack of access to childcare and transport and lack of third level opportunities in Longford.